Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Today is so crazy!! Minus the snow making things worse, my stepdad is having surgery. Shawn slipped on ice Monday night and broke is femur bone is several places. He previously has had two knee replacements and recently stints put in his heart. Both not helping out is situation.

At first, we did not know if we could find a ortho. to perform the surgery. His regular ortho. could not perform the surgery and thought we might have to find a trauma doctor in another city. Luckily, Dr. Hanby said he could do the surgery. I hope he can.

My mom and sister(Amanda) are at the hospital. Thanks to the 2 ft of snow they received, they are there without any support that was going to be there. Shawn's daughter (Kayleigh,14) and his mother can not be there. We can not be there. Folks from Church can not be there. At this point, if anythings goes wrong it could be a very bad situation.

I do not want to think the worse but I am. For the past 15 yrs., it has been one death after another and I am really hoping this is not going to continue. Since each have been a close relative or friend, they have each messed with my emotions. I have stress to many people that spending time with family and friends is more important than money, possesions, anything but God.

I have not done much since 6pm last night, except sit on the couch. I am so stressed, my head and chaw/cheeks hurt. Brian was suppose to be home today but went to work. Possible he will be there until they close. The kids of course are climbing the walls. Nothing I suggest is good enough. We have books we need to practice reading, DSs and Leapsters to play, computer to play, barbies, cars, etc. But no, they want this, they want that.

I hope getting all this down helps me have a better time with this.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

2011 is here!!

So basically I have not post anything in almost a year. I had few post drafted but never completed them. With Facebook it is almost not as important but I would like to start posting again.
A lot of things ended 2010 for us. Some good, some not so good. We are thankful that 2010 is over and we are able to start 2011 off with a new beginning.
Spring Soccer season is on its way and Softball/Baseball will start shortly after. We will be balled out by the end of May. All kids are excited to get the ball rolling!
Homeschool has started off great this second semester. We added piano lessons to our afternoon activities. Cadence still struggles with reading but within the next week, I believe, it will get better for her. She will have reading glasses by Wednesday!! We will also start our 10 week classes that we attend with other homeschoolers this Friday.
Springs is going to be busy for us! We hope you enjoy yours.

Cadence turn 6 on May 16th. We can not hardly believe it but time is flying. In her six years she has become a very bright girl. Artistic, Athletic, Godly, and Strong Willed all describe Cadence. She has help me out so much with both of her siblings.

We celebrated her birthday with a friend party and a family party. She was very gratefull for all the friends who made it to her nail party. Even more grateful for the gifts she received from everyone.
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Garden 2010


Our garden started out pretty good this year. We planted Sunflowers, corn, tomatoes, green beans, okra, zuchinni, lettuce, spinach, radishes, carrots and few more things. Everything produced except the corn. The stalks grew but no corn. We only had one okra plant that produced. We are still getting tomatoes but the heat pretty much killed the rest of it. We are in hopes of planting a fall garden but the heat is just to much right now. Maybe next week......
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