Saturday, March 7, 2009

Winter Is Almost Over

Well we loose an hour of sleep tonight. I feel like I just got up on my sleep from September! I hope all has gone well for everyone this winter. Not to much as been going on here in North Texas. Just the ever changing weather temp. and now the windy, windy days. We are looking forward to spring and hitting hard with a driving trip to California.

All the kids have grown like weeds since Thanksgiving. Cadence and Brice are both 2 inches taller. Zyla-Bell is almost 6 months, 17lbs, and 23 inches long.

Cadence is no longer going to her pre-school and has started spring soccer and softball. Our church has started rewarding the kids for learning memory verses, so she learned 7 verses in 2 weeks. We are hoping to keep up the challenge so pray for Cadence (and us) that we can continue this.

Brice is not old enough to be on an actual sport team but he his very good at everything he has tried. He is getting better with his numbers and letters as well. But other than being a great big brother he is not had much of a change in his life.

Zyla-Bell is eating 2nd foods and drinking water out of a sippy cup. She definitely likes to eat and hollers every time she sees food going into any ones mouth but hers. She is sitting up and playing very well.

Brian is looking forward to much need vacation times this spring and summer. As for me, I am preparing us for our trip(s) and working on organization to start homeschooling Cadence and Brice.

The kids and I will be in town Tues (10th) thru Fri. (13th) this week. If you would like to see us shoot me an email at or on Facebook.
