Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Summer and Fall past us by. We have been so busy that I almost forgot about our blog.
Cadence has been played soccer again this past fall. She did good at making goals and I think she is finally understanding to pass the ball and not kick it from her teammates. We are homeschooling her for Kindergarten. I think it is harder for me than her but we are making it through. She is writing in cursive and breezing through her Math. The reading is a little more difficult. She does not want to do the blends nor is she understanding how to sound out words. She is sounding them out but not getting the word. Brice has been shouting out the word. Cadence is more of a sight person.
Brice turned 4 in September. He started Pre-K 3 at Texoma Christian School in August. He really does not like going but he has fun while he is there. Brice also participates in the homeschooling when he is here. He has taken an interest in the cursive writing and I feel like he might start reading before Cadence. We'll see....
Zyla-Bell is now 1! She started walking about 2 weeks before her birthday and has not stopped yet. She still drinks her milk out of a bottle but everything else is in a sippy cup. She loves to hang out with Bubba and Sissy and feels like a big kid when they include her in things like "snack time" or "movie time". She says a few words but most words is using sign language or she will just point and say "Ah Ah"

Brian is still working inconsitent hours. Meaning he works 40 but every day and every week is a different schedule. Since all this rain came he has not been able to keep up with the outside work. However, if I can keep him off his phone long enough, he has helped me with some inside work. He also tags along with the grocery shopping or running errands that need to be done.
As for me, I did start babysitting a couple of kids back in August. Along with Cadence's school work this keeps me pretty busy during the day and we must stay on a schedule. In the evening its dinner and whatever cleaning I can squeeze in between church, soccer practice, and grocery shopping.

I will leave this blog with a special request. If you are not already, please pray for Hannah Grace Crumby and her family. You may visit a website concerning her health: www.caringbridge.org/visit/hannahgracecrumby

Thank You,
Carrie Dean

Friday, June 26, 2009

Zyla-Bell is 9 months

About the only exciting thing going on at our house right now is the new things Zyla-Bell is doing. She has 3 of her front teath. Her left top front tooth just broke threw so she really has all 4. She has started eating a lot of table foods. She almost does not wanted anything else but we still figure out a way for her eat 2 jars of baby food a day plus her formula.

She, of course, is saying "dada" all the time and even knows to say it when you sign it to her. She started saying it on Mother's Day. She also knows how to sign the word "more". So we ask her if she wants more and she will put her hands together as if she is signing it. She can crawl, move to sit up position from crawl position, and her favorite song is "If You're Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands". Her 9 month check up went great. She weighs 18 lb 2.5 oz and is 26.5 inches long.

We did have VBS at our church this week and the kids enjoyed going to that this week. Cadence was also able to attend VBS at Howe First Baptist church last week. Both weeks have been a lot of fun and helped in passing the time until vacation time with Brian next week. We will spend a few days at home and then head up to Northwest Arkansas to spend the 4th of July with family and friends.

Have fun watching fireworks!!

Carrie Dean

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Cadence is 5!!!!

Well I hope the flooding rains are over. I would like for it to dry up some and hopefully get some much needed outside work done. Some of our garden is growing but it is too early to tell if all the seeds planted have been washed away. Luckily we did not plant our cantelope, watermelon, pumpkin, and okra seed yet.

This month has been busy thus far but I believe we should be event free for about 5 weeks. Cadence only has 2 softball games left and Brian's days off should go back to normal (having 2 days off in a row and not split up).

We took a 3 day trip up to Northwest Arkansas for Mother's Day weekend. During the days we attended graduation party for my cousin Jessica's husband, David. Spent most of Sunday with my mom - going to church, lunch, and spending the afternoon at her house. Brian and I attended Calvary Baptist church on Sunday night and had dinner at Mojitos with the Vinsons. We enjoyed the Grace notes choir at Calvary and were able to visit several of our friends and catch up. Brian and I could not believe how much grown up the everyones kids seem. It has only be 3.5 years since we moved.

This past weekend we celebrated Cadence's 5th birthday. On Friday, at the last minute, I decided to take her and Brice to see the lastest Hannah Montana movie. We had our own private party since we went so early in the afternoon. Friday night my family drove down not only for Cadence's birthday but in hopes to watch her play softball Saturday morning. However, it rained overnight and the games was cancelled. So we just hung around the house in the morning and let her open presents and then we went to Chuck E. Cheese in Allen, TX for lunch. We spent the afternoon at the outlet mall in Allen and then meet up with the "Ya'll Hungry Crowd" from our church at Crows in Anna, TX. (Excellent Food) This ended up being an extra birthday celebration for Cadence but it made the day memorable for her. The kids love our church family and I am pretty sure they are liked by them. That evening I finished up Cadence's Barbie Birthday cake and we enjoyed it before bed. Sunday was a fun day for the kids to spend with Nana, Papa and the Aunts after church. They always hate to see them leave.

One last celebration for Cadence was a party with her friends. This is the only thing she has wanted constant for the whole year. A party! We did this at our house, outside, and provided a Taco Dinner. Several of her friends showed up and they had a good time running around. Thanks to all that came!

Enjoy some pictures of the kids.

Carrie Dean

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Spring 2009

Well I hope all have survived the wonderful rain we had this spring. We are glad for sunshine at our house!

We have had a busy spring thus far. It started by taking a road trip to Californian in March. Best Buy had an achievers event and the store Brian works for was fortunate to achieve the goal and receive a free trip to Anaheim, CA. Brian could bring 1 guest free but other had to be paid for. So, we drove to save on plane tickets for Brice and Cadence and Best Buy reimburse us the our plane tickets to pay for our gas and hotel rooms to stay in. Since we drove we was fortunate to not only see the secenery of the west but visit with Brian's brother and Aunt Linda, and distant cousin of mine, Kenneth Gray. Included in the Best Buy package was a 4 night, 4 day stay at the Marriot near Disney Land, day trip to Santa Monica, 2 day trip to Disneyland and California Adventures. We did have few Best Buy function to attend but that included a fun night at Dave and Busters (free dinner and games), a concert with a band called Chicken Feet (free dinner again), volunteer work sending care packages to Iraq, and one last night of awards (free dinner and free babysitter). The kids had a blast and experience many different things. Brian's brother and family was able to spend 1 day at Disneyland with us. So Cadence and Brice enjoyed part of that day with their cousins. After the 4 day BB event we spent 2 days with Brian's brother and family. Brian's Aunt Linda graciously let us stay at her house 3 nights as well. It was a good time. On the way home, Brice did get sick and we ended up stopping at the Ardmore, OK ER. He is doing ok now but we are still not sure what he was sick from.

After our trip it was Easter and then the start of softball and soccer pratice and games for Cadence. We have also planted a garden, which we hope is survived all the rain.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Winter Is Almost Over

Well we loose an hour of sleep tonight. I feel like I just got up on my sleep from September! I hope all has gone well for everyone this winter. Not to much as been going on here in North Texas. Just the ever changing weather temp. and now the windy, windy days. We are looking forward to spring and hitting hard with a driving trip to California.

All the kids have grown like weeds since Thanksgiving. Cadence and Brice are both 2 inches taller. Zyla-Bell is almost 6 months, 17lbs, and 23 inches long.

Cadence is no longer going to her pre-school and has started spring soccer and softball. Our church has started rewarding the kids for learning memory verses, so she learned 7 verses in 2 weeks. We are hoping to keep up the challenge so pray for Cadence (and us) that we can continue this.

Brice is not old enough to be on an actual sport team but he his very good at everything he has tried. He is getting better with his numbers and letters as well. But other than being a great big brother he is not had much of a change in his life.

Zyla-Bell is eating 2nd foods and drinking water out of a sippy cup. She definitely likes to eat and hollers every time she sees food going into any ones mouth but hers. She is sitting up and playing very well.

Brian is looking forward to much need vacation times this spring and summer. As for me, I am preparing us for our trip(s) and working on organization to start homeschooling Cadence and Brice.

The kids and I will be in town Tues (10th) thru Fri. (13th) this week. If you would like to see us shoot me an email at cldtx59@yahoo.com or on Facebook.
