Hmm! What a difference a week makes. I spent most of my free time at home on the phone with the college I am attending. For some reason getting financial aid to be approved before school starts should take all summer. Luckily one person in the whole business office understood my pain and had the financial aid office eating out of my hand by Friday.
I told a friend this week that I hold people to a certain standard depending on their status in life. A lot of people with higher college degrees disappoint me greatly. It truly makes me wonder if going to college is really worth it. It is one thing if you do not know better, but those who do, better set an example.
Anyway, we ended the week with Cadence becoming sick. Just out of the blue she had a fever on Thursday afternoon. Her fever became higher over night to 104.3 so I called the Dr. promptly at 7:30 Friday morning. We took her in and she has pneumonia. PNEUMONIA!!!??? How or why I don't know. What I read about pneumonia doesn't make sense has to why Cadence has it. It has pretty much wiped her out. We did go out for a few hours today, as she thought she felt up to it, but as soon as we got home she went back to bed. Her head hurt. So she may not get to go to school her first day of school.
Of course, I am stuck here all weekend to deal with the sick child and trying to figure how I am going to do all the other things I was suppose to do this weekend. Church, grocery shopping, last minute school shopping, my school work, packing bags for school, lunches packed, laundry, ironing, etc. all while Brian does not use a sick days to help.
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