Hello! Just thought I would post on our blog since we have not update everyone lately. Brian and I get pretty busy around the holidays and personally feel I like we are just now catching up this year. I was sick most of December, first with a stomach bug and then with Bronchitis. By the time I was over Bronchitis, mid-January, I found out that I am pregnant. We did not tell anyone for 5 weeks. My first doctors appointment was not until the end of February and until then I was miserable. The only thing I could eat was fruit plus I was a little upset at first. Most of the problem was being sick, working, and not being able to catch up. My last day to work was March 28th. With Brian working ridiculous hours and traveling all over Dallas, I just felt like I would never be able to keep the house clean, run Cadence and Brice around, plus a third child.
Since I have not worked, I feel much better. Brian and I have been able to get several projects around the house completed and started. We have more family time, which is benefiting Cadence and Brice a great deal.
We were able to find out the gender of our third child on April 23rd. We will be having a girl!! I was really expecting a boy until about 2 weeks before. My sleeping habits were becoming the same as when I was pregnant with Cadence and difficulty deciding on a girl name pretty much game me a clue. We do have a name picked out not but the final decision will be made later. We are open to suggestions still but however the name must be as unique as Cadence's name.
We were looking forward to May 16th. Cadence turned 4 and she could not wait. Everyday she would ask how long. We are planned a party for her at our house on May 17th and both grandparents made it to the party along with my sisters, Amanda and Kayleigh and several school and church playmates.

Cadence last day of pre-school this year was May 23rd. She has learned so much and taught Brice a great deal too. Her teacher notice she very artistic, diligent, and a good friend. I hope to take what she has learned and be able to teach Brice more in depth this summer. So far it does not look like Brice will be able to go to pre-school next year. His birthday is not until the end of September and you are suppose to be 3 by Sept. 1 to start. There is still a possibility the will let him in if they have extra room but chances are looking slim. Brice is also potty training. He pretty much has the peeing part down but has very seldom pooped in the the potty. We will be on the potty training 24/7 starting this week since Cadence is out of school and we are not running to town 3 extra days a week. Lastly, they are both interested in music, mostly singing, but I do hope to teach them the basic of playing the piano. I am not sure how good I will be at teaching but their interest should help.
Some of you now about the house damage we have occurred in just the 1 year of living in it. (Actually the first 4 months) Some relieve has been lifted from our shoulders. With all the wind and storms we have recently had, we were able to file a claim with our insurance on the roof. This took care of the water we had leaking into the house from the ceiling. The insurance gave us money for the the roof, paint for three rooms, and new carpet for two rooms. The roof being replaced did not cost as much as the insurance gave us money for. So therefore, we should be able to repair the drywall damage we have and possible replace the Tile in the front of the house with some other flooring.
Brian is on vacation this week until June 3rd. We are going to attempt to paint several of the rooms in our house. Right now everything is just one color. Brian wants try to rehang/replace the damaged drywall but I am not sure I want him to. Neither of us have any experience on home improvement but it is a small area so we might try it.
That's all for now. We will try to update later.
1 comment:
Oh, how fun, you have a blog!! I am so excited. I am so glad that you are finally feeling better and getting more relaxed and adjusted to being at home. We are thinking of coming to visit my Aunt Suzy and Uncle Larry and my cousin Brandon sometime this Summer. I think they live near you guys, so maybe we can see you too. I believe they live in Allen, isn't that near you guys? Well, I will talk to ya soon!
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