About the only exciting thing going on at our house right now is the new things Zyla-Bell is doing. She has 3 of her front teath. Her left top front tooth just broke threw so she really has all 4. She has started eating a lot of table foods. She almost does not wanted anything else but we still figure out a way for her eat 2 jars of baby food a day plus her formula.
She, of course, is saying "dada" all the time and even knows to say it when you sign it to her. She started saying it on Mother's Day. She also knows how to sign the word "more". So we ask her if she wants more and she will put her hands together as if she is signing it. She can crawl, move to sit up position from crawl position, and her favorite song is "If You're Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands". Her 9 month check up went great. She weighs 18 lb 2.5 oz and is 26.5 inches long.
We did have VBS at our church this week and the kids enjoyed going to that this week. Cadence was also able to attend VBS at Howe First Baptist church last week. Both weeks have been a lot of fun and helped in passing the time until vacation time with Brian next week. We will spend a few days at home and then head up to Northwest Arkansas to spend the 4th of July with family and friends.
Have fun watching fireworks!!
Carrie Dean