Well I hope the flooding rains are over. I would like for it to dry up some and hopefully get some much needed outside work done. Some of our garden is growing but it is too early to tell if all the seeds planted have been washed away. Luckily we did not plant our cantelope, watermelon, pumpkin, and okra seed yet.
This month has been busy thus far but I believe we should be event free for about 5 weeks. Cadence only has 2 softball games left and Brian's days off should go back to normal (having 2 days off in a row and not split up).
We took a 3 day trip up to Northwest Arkansas for Mother's Day weekend. During the days we attended graduation party for my cousin Jessica's husband, David. Spent most of Sunday with my mom - going to church, lunch, and spending the afternoon at her house. Brian and I attended Calvary Baptist church on Sunday night and had dinner at Mojitos with the Vinsons. We enjoyed the Grace notes choir at Calvary and were able to visit several of our friends and catch up. Brian and I could not believe how much grown up the everyones kids seem. It has only be 3.5 years since we moved.
This past weekend we celebrated Cadence's 5th birthday. On Friday, at the last minute, I decided to take her and Brice to see the lastest Hannah Montana movie. We had our own private party since we went so early in the afternoon. Friday night my family drove down not only for Cadence's birthday but in hopes to watch her play softball Saturday morning. However, it rained overnight and the games was cancelled. So we just hung around the house in the morning and let her open presents and then we went to Chuck E. Cheese in Allen, TX for lunch. We spent the afternoon at the outlet mall in Allen and then meet up with the "Ya'll Hungry Crowd" from our church at Crows in Anna, TX. (Excellent Food) This ended up being an extra birthday celebration for Cadence but it made the day memorable for her. The kids love our church family and I am pretty sure they are liked by them. That evening I finished up Cadence's Barbie Birthday cake and we enjoyed it before bed. Sunday was a fun day for the kids to spend with Nana, Papa and the Aunts after church. They always hate to see them leave.
One last celebration for Cadence was a party with her friends. This is the only thing she has wanted constant for the whole year. A party! We did this at our house, outside, and provided a Taco Dinner. Several of her friends showed up and they had a good time running around. Thanks to all that came!
Enjoy some pictures of the kids.
Carrie Dean